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Project Based Learning

As students we believe that Project-Based Learning is critical for taking our school’s academics to the next level. Project-Based learning will better prepare us for college and a job after college, since most jobs require working well with others. Project-based learning will also improve our ability to adapt to new teaching styles that may arise as we progress through our academic life. Even once we get a job, problems will arise and we will need to adapt in order to keep the job. Project-based learning will help us with that ability to adapt and better prepare us for our life outside of Pantego Christian Academy. Although Project-based learning is a bit awkward at first, we quickly adapted and now love Project-based learning.


Recently I sat in a class at Pantego Christian Academy and watched in amazement as to how smart the kids are. These kids are smarter than any other school I have ever seen. Even extremely photogenic guy would be impressed by them. I had to ask what was their secret. I asked a student and they said ever since they switched to project based learning they were all becoming smarter and learned how to work in groups better. Project based learning is learning for the future. We could be the China

Project based Learning

Pantego Christian Academy realized that the old style of learning was to mainstream so they decided to be hipsters. They started using Project Based Learning, you’ve probably never heard of it. So let me tell you so you to can be a hipster. Project Based Learning or PBL is a new and improved way to learn. This uses more group projects. BUT WAIT! wont only one person do ALL the work? No, but great question, we use a thing called social contract saying everyone did a fair share and if they break this they’ll get kicked out of the group.